The corruption in the White House is a circus set up next to a train wreck. Yes, Trump the worst President we've ever had. Yet Trump is bad, not just because of his own actions, but also how he inspires others to act.
Trump inspires division, greed, and inhumanity. He and his band of thieves is hacking away at our democracy. They are obstructing our systems of checks and balances putting our country in danger. His behavior desensitizes us to the abnormal. He told the world that he could shoot someone, and get away with it. His followers have shot people in synagogues and grocery stores. His followers have sent bombs to the media. His followers have chanted, "Send her back!" about our Congresswoman. Meanwhile, he spends most of his time on vacation! He profits when our tax dollars are at Mar-A-Lago. He promised to help autoworkers, coal miners, and farmers, but instead, they are the victims of his trade war. He backstabbed the Kurds. He thinks only, "Me, Me, Me!" Now, as he faces impeachment, he tells Congress he won't cooperate. He believes he is above the law. He leaves a precedent, like we've never seen.
The only Anti-dote to Trump's extremes of grandeur and capitalism on steroids is to balance out his greed, and narcissism. After all the excesses which lead to the Great Depression, that's exactly what voters did in 1932. They elected FDR, a socialist.
After these long two years of Trump, we desperately need someone who is the complete opposite of the wild ride he's taken us on. We need someone consistent. Someone who loves peace. Someone who works hard, and who understands "It's about US." To stop corruption, we need someone who believes in the rule of law, and our Constitution. We need someone who wants to unite us around worthwhile causes, like climate change, universal health care and education. We need someone who is considered honest and trustworthy by a majority of Americans. A recent poll showed more Americans trust Bernie Sanders than any other candidate.
To stop corruption, we need Bernie Sanders.
The town of Highland Park, MI where I live, has been on a wild ride, too. Our water department was closed. Every light bulb on every light poll was removed. Every tax payer may be on the line for the debt the City of Detroit says we owe. Somehow, in the midst of this, we have a Mayor who's administration uses social media to attack citizens. He enriches himself - he even had his son file a lawsuit against the City, and then he instructed the City to settle. To met out his version of justice, he hires police officers who have been fired by other police departments. He uses his city staff paid with our tax dollars to help his campaign. Sound familiar?
Public service is not supposed to become a way to enrich yourself, or your family. Public service is not supposed to become a way to attack your enemies.
Public service is supposed to be an honorable, and transparent profession. Public service is supposed to help make our government work for the people.
It's time to clean up corruption, top to bottom.
